Arora Appleby

a journal of healing, learning + loving

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An introduction

I don't like beating around the bush so here's me, in most of my glory - the good, the bad, the ugly.

I am a 25 year old woman, I grew up on a council estate where people were sometimes afraid to walk past the shops in the dark because chavs occupied it and threw things at you (once, I had a snooker ball chucked at me because I sported skinny jeans and a bit too much eye-liner.) I got kicked out at 12 years old, I went to a school where the teachers walked past you in the corridor without a second glance even though you were meant to be in class. I listened to heavy metal and screamed fuck the system a lot more and a lot louder than I should have. I joined an activist group at the age of 16 and camped outside an old bank for a week before bailiffs (illegally) chucked us out. I camped on top of a hill protesting the development of a hotel. My first proper boyfriend at 15 became homeless so I spent most nights sleeping in a caravan with him until we got him into a hostel. I then spent my mornings scraping up bus fare to then bring him food and to spend the day in the hostel. They're not an ideal place to hang around in at that age btw. I partied too much at 17 and lived off garlic bread and chocolate cake for a few months. I listen to hip hop, country, rock, metal, and anything else with either a good beat or a singer who’s voice gives me goosebumps. I never wanted to get married but I’m engaged and living with my fiancĂ© and our 4 cats. Most days I work, snack on chocolate, hang out with the cats, buy books I don’t read, watch Netflix and nap.. a lot. I'm not going to pretend that I'm this prim and proper grown up when some days I just want to eat cheese strings in bed and cry over "10 things I hate about you."  I promised myself from day one I would be 100% truthful on this blog and not censor any of it, which means there will be swearing and really bad jokes. And that's okay. It's okay to swear and to be messy and to have not have your shit together.

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